Two Little Indians
Tori Garrett
From a start as an Advertising Copywriter, Tori is now one of the Premier Drama Directors in Australia. She is also the managing partner of Two Little Indians Films, one of the country’s leading TVC production companies, who are now moving into originating long form production for film and TV.
Beth Armstrong
Her eye for talent and performance has resulted in global success for her drama work, and demand for her commercial work.
Hayley Macfarlane
After moving to London in 2014 Hayley became the youngest ever director of Big Brother UK
Mick Soiza
With a natural sense of narrative and a meticulous eye for detail, Mick is a director known for captivating visuals coupled with genuine human experiences.
Jonas McQuiggin
Jonas has developed a wonderfully irreverent and absurd style that highlights his comedic prowls. Which makes him imaginative, odd and even a bit serious when it comes to making things funny.
Josh Tanner
Josh’s short films have also screened and won at film festivals internationally, with his latest film, The Landing.
Dane Hansen
Dane's ability as a cinematographer and director lies in finding the truth in performances in order to reveal authentic and genuine moments.